Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lorem Ipsum: The Aloysius Angelasia Archives (Chapter 38l)

"Focused.  Of course.  All day, every day.  You know it."

I smiled back at my dead mom whom I had made materialize in what was now obviously to me one of those bizarre trips my mind took every now and then when I had fallen asleep or otherwise zoned out.

"Did you see anyone else back there?" I asked her, motioning to the area of the stalls.

"No," she answered.  "Just me and you.  Right here.  Right now.  For as long as you need me to be to get you back on track."

I did my best to let her know that I was okay.  Or, okay enough, all things considered.  I mean I *was* standing in a highway rest stop in front of a shattered mirror having conversations with figments of my imagination after all.

"I'm fine.  Just a momentary lapse, that's all."

She looked closely at me, clearly concerned.

"Are you sure?  You're still on your way to New Orleans to try to find your father?'"

Off in the distance -- outside in the parking lot -- I heard Gator start barking.  Then the lights above me flickered, just enough to make me look up at them briefly.

In doing so, I noticed that my mother had stepped close enough to me to be seen in the broken mirror.

Except, despite what I clearly saw in front of me, it wasn't her reflection that was there in the mirror shards.

I knew a Papa Kalfu when I saw one.

"She" wasn't concerned.  "He" was still tracking me.

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