We *were* kind of made for each other -- my puppy Gator and I. And we *were* each kind of a handful -- in our own adorable ways.
Just like Mattie had yelled at us across the parking lot at the rest stop.
Although, admittedly, I'm not sure if Mattie's exhortation contained the subtext that we were "adorable" in our handful-ness.
Regardless, Gator finished up his business and I needed to conduct my own, so we headed back toward Mattie and the car.
"I gotta piss too. You got him?"
I passed control of the leash over to Mattie and made my way into the rest stop facility.
Yet again, I was hit with flashbacks as I opened the door to the building. This time, it was memories of the drive down the coast after I had been kidnapped, and how that particular stop on that particular trip had led to me figuring out that my captors were Mario and the guy I only knew then as "angry texter".
So much had happened in so short a time ... and so much was still unresolved.
"One step at a time," I muttered to myself aloud. "One. Step. At a time."
As I washed my hands, I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror.
And I couldn't help but fantasize about being able to hold my hand up to its own reflection in the mirror, in hopes that that type of contact would unleash my special power so that I could take away my own pain just as I could do for others with only a touch.
Stranger things had most certainly happened.
I flexed my fingers and slowly reached out to the hand in the mirror, being certain not to break eye contact with myself.
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